I'll get myself together and tell my Breast Cancer story one day soon...BUT for now, let me tell you that SELF BREAST EXAMS save lives, like mine! Please do not follow the new government findings (about mammograms at 50, and self exams do not work)! I was 36, with no history of cancer of any kind in my family. I breast fed 4 kids and was told it was stopped up milk ducts, but I insisted it was more (I felt a lump), I wanted to be sure (those 'feelings', y'know). I was diagnosed with End Stage3/Beginning Stage 4 BC and all lymph nodes on left side were removed. My insurance did everything they could, I had fantastic doctor (Hi, Dr. Puckett) and awesome nurses (Hi Linda H and Jenny), and I also joined a clinical trial. (Mastectomy, stem cell, high-dose chemo, radiation and 7yrs of Tamoxifen and more stuff, but I am writing in a hurry). I had nothing to lose but my life. Thank GOD. I am a 14plus year survivor. If anything, all women need a baseline mammogram in their early 20's, use the self-exam and learn your body.
If women follow the 'new' guidelines much cancer will be undetected until too late. We must be a reminder to each other...
The American Cancer Society is the best source for information right now.
And WHY were we paying a government committee to look into this and I wonder how many BC survivors were on the committee and what kind of insurance do they have (the free kind that government employees get)?
Keeping the FAITH, watching for the FUNNY, and creating, quilting, and crafting (with healthy doses of general blabbery)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Glitter and Swapping!!!!
Hey ...wanna win some fab Martha Stewart glitter sets...well, check out Swap-bot and join a swap...there are so many great swaps and talented crafters here...I am sure you can find a swap you just HAVE to participate in...I am in this one right now and contemplating quite a few more! Or join Rachel in her swap, Holiday Fun Matchbox Swap...there is something for everyone!
Read about the contest here.
Have some holiday fun...and play with us! I am Sew Southern on Swap-bot.
Read about the contest here.
Have some holiday fun...and play with us! I am Sew Southern on Swap-bot.
Thank You Veterans
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
She lives.
My favorite living writer/poetess/artist and her blog ...
Go. Enjoy. and Encourage her bad behavior.
Go. Enjoy. and Encourage her bad behavior.
I Salute you.

Thank you , men and women, for serving our country. Thank you for sacrificing more than you ever thought you would. Thank you for giving it your all day after day.
THANK YOU and may God Bless You Always.

Special prayers and thoughts to our US ARMY family (and families)in Texas.
Thank you , men and women, for serving our country. Thank you for sacrificing more than you ever thought you would. Thank you for giving it your all day after day.
THANK YOU and may God Bless You Always.

Special prayers and thoughts to our US ARMY family (and families)in Texas.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Move over Betty Crocker
Friday, November 6, 2009
Dear Bloggy Blog
I haven't forgotten you...but I do think you spend too much time in my brain trying to convince me to put my unimportant words on you...and so I caved. Here I am with some unimportant words and some that are really , really informative.
I made chocolate bread with Ruby today. She and I spent a few quick minutes together creating some fabulous chocolate bread. Her working her magic on (real) butter and sugar and me watching in awe. Ruby is my KitchenAid mixer. I really love her! Here is where we got the recipe and inspiration...
and here is a really bad pic of delish choco bread. The next time I make this, I think I will add pecans and maybe go with a lighter hand with the sugar topping! (My oven is a monster (and I mean that in a mean and nasty way), thus too browned on top, but the rest was perfect.
I found my Saturday project to get me in the groove...a fast way to make a little quilt and get my mojo started again...I have been slagging....http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/?p=1398
I have been playing Farmville...it's fun and if you play and need a neighbor, let's be friends! I need neighbors!
Tomorrow is Hog Happenin' here in these parts...
last BBQ of the season...http://www.hoghappnin.com/, looks like lots of fun.
...and our Kings Mountain part of the Gateway opens tomorrow...I love trails and these are so nice to walk...come join us! http://kmgatewaytrails.org/
my dorky life ... sigh
I made chocolate bread with Ruby today. She and I spent a few quick minutes together creating some fabulous chocolate bread. Her working her magic on (real) butter and sugar and me watching in awe. Ruby is my KitchenAid mixer. I really love her! Here is where we got the recipe and inspiration...
and here is a really bad pic of delish choco bread. The next time I make this, I think I will add pecans and maybe go with a lighter hand with the sugar topping! (My oven is a monster (and I mean that in a mean and nasty way), thus too browned on top, but the rest was perfect.
I found my Saturday project to get me in the groove...a fast way to make a little quilt and get my mojo started again...I have been slagging....http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/?p=1398
I have been playing Farmville...it's fun and if you play and need a neighbor, let's be friends! I need neighbors!
Tomorrow is Hog Happenin' here in these parts...
last BBQ of the season...http://www.hoghappnin.com/, looks like lots of fun.
...and our Kings Mountain part of the Gateway opens tomorrow...I love trails and these are so nice to walk...come join us! http://kmgatewaytrails.org/
my dorky life ... sigh
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I don't care what animal you are...this is NOT right.
The Amnesty Bill sliding in with the Healthcare Bill as reported by CNN...wow, just WOW.
The Amnesty Bill sliding in with the Healthcare Bill as reported by CNN...wow, just WOW.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sometimes she makes things.....
I got a few little projects done today and now that they are on their way to their new places...I'll show them to you.
Sally really liked it......

...but it's for a friend...and it's in the MAIL!

...a fleece scarf with patchwork on the ends...cute, from this TUTE

...and some book thongs (bookmarks) from this TUTE

Working on some other stuff...but the all my girls will be here Thursday and I have to get all my TOYS put away for the weekend! I would whine about it but I really want to see them!
Sally really liked it......
...but it's for a friend...and it's in the MAIL!
...a fleece scarf with patchwork on the ends...cute, from this TUTE
...and some book thongs (bookmarks) from this TUTE
Working on some other stuff...but the all my girls will be here Thursday and I have to get all my TOYS put away for the weekend! I would whine about it but I really want to see them!
Monday, August 17, 2009
I am such a stinker!
I have a friend (I won't call her out - Sandra) that told me over 5 years ago to just splash some Pine Sol around the house before my hubby came home and he would think I had been cleaning and working all day...so every once in a while I do that and it does make his mood lighter when he gets home...well, this weekend I got sucked into watching all the drama on Big Brother and haven't done hardly any cleaning, so I decided to take Monday off, and go window shopping and maybe a little walking and have a cup of joe at the new coffee shop.
Came home and realized 'he' would be home in 10 minutes...so I grabbed my Pine Sol and rubbed down the doorknobs in every room...house smelled like I had cleaned all day! and yes , his mood was awesome as soon as he walked in even though the house is a wreck! I am lying in bed last night and I cannot stop giggling about the 'trick' and he's asking me what's going on...and I just mumbled my day was funny and fun...you gals gotta try this sometime... (my house is not filthy, there are some areas that need a good scrubbing but I do that like on a binge cleaning week, then I forgo it till next binge cleaning week...my house is always in a craft uproar though...and I really need some TRICK MIRRORS to take care of that problem!
Came home and realized 'he' would be home in 10 minutes...so I grabbed my Pine Sol and rubbed down the doorknobs in every room...house smelled like I had cleaned all day! and yes , his mood was awesome as soon as he walked in even though the house is a wreck! I am lying in bed last night and I cannot stop giggling about the 'trick' and he's asking me what's going on...and I just mumbled my day was funny and fun...you gals gotta try this sometime... (my house is not filthy, there are some areas that need a good scrubbing but I do that like on a binge cleaning week, then I forgo it till next binge cleaning week...my house is always in a craft uproar though...and I really need some TRICK MIRRORS to take care of that problem!
Who are you? do do...do do, I really wanna know.
School starts next Monday so Zach and I decided we better start getting up and getting our schedules adjusted...I decided to take a walk every morning starting today. I ended up walking a mile toward my little town and then walking the mile back...and this is what I saw on my way home...
I had no idea that we had a CSI unit...fabulous! I *think* I am more fascinated that my little town can support this, than I am wondering what the heck is happening in the house they were parked in front of (yes, I know I ended my thought with a prepositon). I'll find out the story later...nothing goes unsaid here in my town!
My 'Mr. Greenthumbs ' has had a fabulous time with his tomatoes this year...as of right now I have over 45 3" tomatoes on my counter. We have given the neighbors some and we have eaten tomatoes for every meal for 3 weeks. I don't want to can them because I don't have a canner this year (I always used my mom's before...no, wait, that's a lie, she always canned most of them for me...lol)...Can tomatoes be used as any kind of fabric dye? hmmmm.....

I have a few projects midway so I don't want to show them yet...but I did finish 4 throw pillows for Kaylin's bed or chair in her room...denim with some neat yarn sewn on...didn't want to get too fancy because she changes her mind a lot about her decor.
I had no idea that we had a CSI unit...fabulous! I *think* I am more fascinated that my little town can support this, than I am wondering what the heck is happening in the house they were parked in front of (yes, I know I ended my thought with a prepositon). I'll find out the story later...nothing goes unsaid here in my town!
My 'Mr. Greenthumbs ' has had a fabulous time with his tomatoes this year...as of right now I have over 45 3" tomatoes on my counter. We have given the neighbors some and we have eaten tomatoes for every meal for 3 weeks. I don't want to can them because I don't have a canner this year (I always used my mom's before...no, wait, that's a lie, she always canned most of them for me...lol)...Can tomatoes be used as any kind of fabric dye? hmmmm.....
I have a few projects midway so I don't want to show them yet...but I did finish 4 throw pillows for Kaylin's bed or chair in her room...denim with some neat yarn sewn on...didn't want to get too fancy because she changes her mind a lot about her decor.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Big Brother
...is making me crazy....more later when the delayed/pretaped live show is seen...why buy feeds if they change the good stuff...wahhhhhh!...just bugging this is hopefully an awesome day on BB...Love the cutey Jeff and Jordan...and hope Jesse gets the boot!
Yay!!!! Jesse is gone and now to clean out some other varmints...go Michele, Jeff and Jordan!
Yay!!!! Jesse is gone and now to clean out some other varmints...go Michele, Jeff and Jordan!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
a little project
... for Kaylin and to see if my hands would work...they did, but I didn't get as detailed as I plan to do when I make some more! These 'abc's' were fun to make. Tutorial and other great stuff at
Happy Together. They really turned out cute...I made upper and lower case letters...mine are small and want to make bigger ones next!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I only have a few minutes on this cool machine
My computer is down...but I am using my son's super-duper gaming computer...wow, lots of funky gadgets on here...his keyboard lights up...right now it's blue, but can be 3 other colors...not to mention a monitor as big as the desk...and this mouse is really wierd...lol...it's fascinating...but not to get sidetracked. I put all 4 names in a bowl...and Zach drew ...and the winner is.....
Congrats, my friend and I will get it out to ya in the next week! I loved your thankful thoughts and they were more for you than me because lots of times we forget to be thankful every day! I also have a few more books to give away...so I'll do this for a month or so ... family and friends give me things and sometimes I already have it or I just don't 'do' it (can't risk hurting their feelings)...so I must share.
Have a great day and it will be 4 to 6 days now before i get MY computer back...my husband asked if i was having the DT's yet...
Congrats, my friend and I will get it out to ya in the next week! I loved your thankful thoughts and they were more for you than me because lots of times we forget to be thankful every day! I also have a few more books to give away...so I'll do this for a month or so ... family and friends give me things and sometimes I already have it or I just don't 'do' it (can't risk hurting their feelings)...so I must share.
Have a great day and it will be 4 to 6 days now before i get MY computer back...my husband asked if i was having the DT's yet...
Monday, July 20, 2009

My hand has gone a little crazy and I have not been able to do much of what I'd like to do...but I have done some things I have been putting off...such as cleaning out books and magazines, shopping, daydreaming, bossing the boys around, changing my diet, welcoming a new baby, saying goodbye to wonderful people (a few sweethearts have passed), getting surprise visits from my grandgirls, and my parents...and lots more stuff. I am trying to get back to better-than-normal here, so hopefully putting myself on a schedule will help my fuzzy brain!
To 'celebrate' my week of crappy prednisone (yep, the dreaded prednisone, probably prescribed because I laughed at my husband when he had to take it just a few weeks ago, paybacks are he**), I am giving away a new book that I received but do not need. It is a great book and sure to be wanted by many of you! Here's how I want to work it...TELL me something you are thankful for and I will add your name to the pot and draw for the Seams to Me book by Anna Marie Horner on Thursday morning. Please be sure to leave me with an email address or way to contact you. Good luck!!!!! and I hope you win!!!!! **Karen**
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Good Nite Miss Agnes
I bet you thought I was off having fun...over a month ago I caught some funky flu-like thing, then the babies came and visited, then I was left with the FIBRO FUNKY, and then I had to catch up with real life!...and I know there is a bunch of stuff in between there...I haven't been able to type for a few weeks...doctors seem to think carpal tunnel and arthritis, but then they don't have fibromyalgia and it's symptoms are very wierd. I can type for short periods of time now...and I can sew for small spurts and can't write at all (well, if you want to read it that is).
I am back and hope to play some...I did find that I was spending waaaaaay too much time on the computer. Last fall I had started doing my own daily devotionals, then I started substituting my devotional time with reading spiritual blogs and posts from some very lovely people. I was at a place where I wasn't reading or studying at all by myself (well, me and God)...and this week I had an epiphany...I HAVE to do my devotionals and one-on-one time with God again...my mind stays much clearer and my brain functions better and I like me better when I know myself and what God wants me to do...so the blogs I find so spiritually helpful will be read when I have 'extra' time.
I think I'm on my way back to the goofy woman that my family and friends all know (and love???). See ya soon...got some great 'nature center photos to share and some grown-up grandbabies AND some cool things I made when my hands won't work...! and we won't mention that quilty thing I was supposed to have finished...I'm just not ready to own up to the failure yet.
I started this post last week and just finished today...
I am back and hope to play some...I did find that I was spending waaaaaay too much time on the computer. Last fall I had started doing my own daily devotionals, then I started substituting my devotional time with reading spiritual blogs and posts from some very lovely people. I was at a place where I wasn't reading or studying at all by myself (well, me and God)...and this week I had an epiphany...I HAVE to do my devotionals and one-on-one time with God again...my mind stays much clearer and my brain functions better and I like me better when I know myself and what God wants me to do...so the blogs I find so spiritually helpful will be read when I have 'extra' time.
I think I'm on my way back to the goofy woman that my family and friends all know (and love???). See ya soon...got some great 'nature center photos to share and some grown-up grandbabies AND some cool things I made when my hands won't work...! and we won't mention that quilty thing I was supposed to have finished...I'm just not ready to own up to the failure yet.
I started this post last week and just finished today...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
All I can say is....
I AM POOPED!!! The grands and their mom wore me out. I will be out of it for days...and they are due back Saturday......I will show this...as soon as they left, I pulled out my sewing machine and made my first zipper bag...fun and fast! I used this tutorial , these are the ones Sandra has been whipping out...love it and will make more...I made mine 8"x9"...but I will do some other sizes when I get THIS HOUSE CLEANED UP!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I need a better plan!
The grands are back and the whole family will be converging on me this weekend...I hope to be back on here by Monday...I miss reading my bloggy friends!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Spreading the word...
One of the most awesome apronmakers ever is having a giveaway!!!
Please go visit Calamity Kim and enter her giveaway...if you win (I hope you don't and I do) you will be delighted! and blessed with lovely goodness. Good luck, sorta.
Please go visit Calamity Kim and enter her giveaway...if you win (I hope you don't and I do) you will be delighted! and blessed with lovely goodness. Good luck, sorta.
Sunday, March 29, 2009

...another project I want to get done for my Dad...for Father's Day, or maybe before, if he's in need of a lift. It will go above his desk...the cross for obvious reasons (!)...and the green because it's supposed to be a 'calming' color and my mom says he has a hard time being 'calm' at his desk lately...I imagine part of that is...TAXES!!!! Hahaha...and mom's shopping.....so all this needs is the backing, quilting, and binding... ( I am the favorite child at the moment...or maybe I better call and see if my brother has been up to no good (or good good). Love ya, Rick!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A walker bag
My little grandmother is 93 or 94...I can't be sure, she used to fib about it...lol. She is now having to use a walker...so I made her a walker bag. She can carry all her 'stuff" with her now. Water, tissues, $$, candy, socks...she'll probably throw her purse in there!!!! OR she'll ask me why I didn't make it big enough to carry her purse...she's still a feisty one! I will be going up Tuesday to see her...and spend the night... I used velcro on the handles. I need to add the buttons on the tabs or maybe some yo-yos.

Ariba...border progress made!
I made some progress...maybe 'challenges' are good for me...now it has to be sandwiched, quilted, embellished and bound....it should be ready for the first day of summer...but I said that last year! I need to get it down now before I stretch it out...then I'll have 'crooked cabanas' !

A pretty tree in the front of our house and a Scary Sally on my patio table (bad kitty).
Monday, March 23, 2009
I have been Challenged!

Sandra and I have a long standing UFO...and we decided it was time to get them finished. I want my cabana quilt to be hanging on the wall by the first day of summer. She is a lot wordier than me...I talk nonstop in person, and I don't type fast so my posts are shorter. Read Sandra Sews and 'see' how competitive she is! WELL....bring it on sister! Mine needs borders and quilting and binding....I may be farther along than she is (at this moment) but I have to watch her...she's FAST....and she has no grandchildren (yet) to sidetrack her projects! Our whole
"SPICY" group may be getting in on the activities and we have some very talented and FAST-producing gals...I may be outta luck...BUT I will still have it done by the FIRST DAY of SUMMER.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Pay It Forward
I have joined the Pay it Forward Craft Exchange. According to the rules, you have 365 days to send out your homemade gifts. I think I can get it to you way before 365 days...write it up on your own blog (yes, I copy and pasted most of this)...and I'll check before I send out your item.
1. Be one of the first THREE bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me.
2. If you are one of the first three to make a comment, you are a winner! And you then agree to post this challenge on your own blog, meaning that you will pay it forward, creating a handmade gift -anything!- for the first THREE bloggers who leave a comment on YOUR post about this giveaway!
3. The gift that you send to your 3 friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And, remember it’s the spirit and the thought that count!
4. When you receive your gift, blog about it! If you are not one of the first three to comment on this post, you can still play along. Go ahead and start your own Pay It Forward chain, and encourage your blogging friends to do the same! It's all about paying it forward.
Email me with your address if your are one of the first three... Bella
1. Be one of the first THREE bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me.
2. If you are one of the first three to make a comment, you are a winner! And you then agree to post this challenge on your own blog, meaning that you will pay it forward, creating a handmade gift -anything!- for the first THREE bloggers who leave a comment on YOUR post about this giveaway!
3. The gift that you send to your 3 friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts. And, remember it’s the spirit and the thought that count!
4. When you receive your gift, blog about it! If you are not one of the first three to comment on this post, you can still play along. Go ahead and start your own Pay It Forward chain, and encourage your blogging friends to do the same! It's all about paying it forward.
Email me with your address if your are one of the first three... Bella
Monday, March 16, 2009
oh HELL NO!!!!
Tomorrow HR 1388, or the GIVE ACT is going to the HOUSE...and be ruled on sometime this week. Please let your Congressman, Reps, and Senators, Governors and all know how you feel here about this.....this is NOT my American way!
Places for info
Do something.
Places for info
Do something.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
It's cold again!
I have been cleaning out the carport...and freecycling, and still have so much more to go. I have also been on a pincushion making kick...here are some I made...still need to embellish them...and have more in different stages...geez, how many pincushions do I need? OH...I know, my friends need them too!

....and a little pic of my grand twins and their dog....Kaylin was helping me take the pic.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Why can't we....
....stop making new laws AND enforce the ones we have? I see a lot of stupid 'new' laws popping up...we are the 'Homer Simpson' nation...DOH!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Confession...and possibly totally inappropriate
There is just no way to say this
except to just come right out with it.
I covet.
I covet my neighbor.
He is gorgeous. and young. and strong. and healthy.
and a STUD.
I want him. I really, really want him.
But he does belong to someone else
and I will respect that.
Pray for me.....and him....we belong together.
Isn't he gorgeous? Won't tell you his name ....neighbors are probably going to put up a wall after they find out how much I play with him when they are gone.
I am waiting on the grand girls to come visit ...they will be here tomorrow and I have lots of sewing to do...but it'll have to wait until next week.
Please pray for Patrick in Iraq, we found out he has to stay for 14 months instead of 7, and he is afraid his girls will forget him. We won't let that happen, but I sure do feel for him.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Something for you
I seem to get on here to announce luscious giveaways...and I have one for you!
Lynn at UFO's, Stash and my life GO there...she is giving away a jelly roll and a gorgeous one at that!
And I am out enjoying this warm weather before the WINDS come!
Lynn at UFO's, Stash and my life GO there...she is giving away a jelly roll and a gorgeous one at that!
And I am out enjoying this warm weather before the WINDS come!
Friday, January 23, 2009
A giveaway announcement...Corrinne at Heart of Mary, http://pinoyinoz.blogspot.com/
is having a fabulous giveaway...a couple of very nice patterns...
is having a fabulous giveaway...a couple of very nice patterns...
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Getting back to normal
It's kitchen cleaning week here...I have a clean fridge and a clean oven...tomorrow...I will work on the floors and then Friday...I am emptying out all the cabinets and re-arranging...I can't reach half the stuff I need because tall people put it away...so I will adjust the kitchen to me!
We had a wonderful Christmas...full of loud, smiling, laughing grown-ups and babies and all ages in between...did I say LOUD?...It has been a hard week adjusting to so little noise...I miss noise and little bodies in my way and under my feet!
Today I made a cover for something I got for Christmas (specially picked out by my DIL, the cover was so easy and I made it in less than 30 minutes...so I still have to hem it...after I decide if I am going to add a pocket and/or embellish it with 'something'. This is the pattern I used
http://sewing.about.com/library/weekly/n011801b.htm I also still need to press it.

THIS is what my cover covers...I finally got one and I will be making bread tomorrow...for the first use of my much coveted Kitchenaid mixer in RED!!!!

...and now for what makes me a NUT...I found some purple fingernail polish that I actually LIKE....not too dark, not too light...just right!
We had a wonderful Christmas...full of loud, smiling, laughing grown-ups and babies and all ages in between...did I say LOUD?...It has been a hard week adjusting to so little noise...I miss noise and little bodies in my way and under my feet!
Today I made a cover for something I got for Christmas (specially picked out by my DIL, the cover was so easy and I made it in less than 30 minutes...so I still have to hem it...after I decide if I am going to add a pocket and/or embellish it with 'something'. This is the pattern I used
http://sewing.about.com/library/weekly/n011801b.htm I also still need to press it.

THIS is what my cover covers...I finally got one and I will be making bread tomorrow...for the first use of my much coveted Kitchenaid mixer in RED!!!!

...and now for what makes me a NUT...I found some purple fingernail polish that I actually LIKE....not too dark, not too light...just right!

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