Tuesday, February 19, 2008

She's alive.....

This is my dog Keera....ON DRUGS.

I got to pick Keera up at 4 today...she was so messed up, wobbling and faltering...I tried really hard not to laugh (where she could see me). She didn't get the 'cone'..darn it.

After we got her home, she tried to stand and drink water...I was so scared she would drink too much and make herself sick, I took her bowl away after a good 32 ounces! She then went 3 steps and laid down...

She had a LOT of stuff done...the growth on her leg was not cancerous, but it is a tumor type growth, that may or may not come back. It was so deeply embedded, the DR had to take some muscle, poor baby, she will hurt for a long time. It was a tumor that had we not got it before it went further, it would have started bleeding and she would have bled out and died (no way to stop the flow once it starts). God is good, I don't feel like such a bad momma today. So he got it all, he thinks...while she was under, she had her teeth cleaned, which means not only does her butt hurt, so does her mouth...she got all her shots, which were due, and she got a toenail clip and bath...I KNOW she HATES me...but I have painkillers for her...so maybe that will help her love me again. Jiffy (the cat) cannot figure out how close he can get...he's been circling Keera for 45 minutes and Keera is so out of it, Jiffy cannot figure out why Keera isn't getting annoyed...hahaha!

OK...off to stare at my darlin' and see if she needs 'anything'', anything at all...

1 comment:

Sandra :) said...

Awwwwwwwwww welcome home Keera - I'm glad the news was good!!! You just take it easy and put on a big dramatic performance for momma so she feels guilty and gives you TREATS!! Zoomer sends interspecies kisses, and so does Auntie Bube Maple Syrup Spice :D